I Need Help!

We All Need a Little Help Sometimes

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul exists to help to people in need.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a volunteer lay organization whose members visit poor and needy people in their homes. They provide comfort and financial assistance to those they visit.

The Thrift Store plays an important role in providing assistance to those in need. Through a staff of paid employees and volunteers we work to collect, evaluate and merchandise a variety of donated goods. This merchandise provides a low cost shopping alternative of quality goods to individuals and families. Those who can’t afford the clothing, furniture and other household items are provided for through a Vincentian initiated referral system.

Call for Help

If your life and safety are in immediate danger, call 911 right now.

Otherwise, if you are in need of assistance with things like rent, food, utilities, shelter, clothing or other essentials, call or email Tracey at (262) 284-4637 ext 101 or [email protected]

Fill out a form for help:

Best time to call
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