Pet Towels for Pet Parents

Dog grooming towels for Pet Parents. Picture of dog chewing on pet towel.

Spring is Here, and So Are the Muddy Paws!

Pet twels and blankets bin in the pet supply area of St. Vincent de Paul.Spring showers may bring spring flowers but it also brings wet/muddy paws and soaked coats. Don’t use a towel from your matching towel set to wipe paws, paw prints and fur, stop by our Pet Supply area and buy good used towel for $0.99 that Rover can call his own!

Keep Your Home Clean and Your Pet Happy

In our pet supply area, we offer a selection of pet grooming towels that are perfect for keeping your furry friends dry and your home clean. And the best part?

Each pet blanket, or dog and  cat towel is just $0.99!

Why Choose Our Pet Towels and Pet Blankets?

Affordable Solution
For less than a dollar, you can bring home a pet drying towel or blanket that’s reserved just for your pets. Save your stylish home towels from the inevitable wear and tear of daily pet cleaning.

Quality and Comfort
Our pet grooming towels and pet blankets are selected for their durability and absorbency, ensuring that they can withstand frequent use and heavy-duty cleaning. They’re soft enough for your pet’s comfort but tough enough to handle mud, water, and grime.

Eco-Friendly Choice
By purchasing wholesale pet towels used at our store, you’re not only saving money, you’re also making an environmentally friendly choice. Reusing towels and blankets for pets reduces waste and the demand for new resources, aligning with our mission to help the planet while helping those in need. Not to mention when you buy from St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping us help others!

Visit Us Today!

St. Vincent de Paul Pet Supplies area at the Port Washington, WI thrift store.Our Pet Supply area is stocked with towels for dogs, cat towels, and other pet towels and supplies that your furry companions will love. Whether you have a dog who adores puddles, a cat who explores the damp garden, or any pet that gets a bit dirtier during springtime, we have a cost effective solution to keep them cozy and your home clean.

See What We Have in Store

Attached is a photo of some of the dog grooming towels and pet supplies currently available, but our stock is always updating and changing, so come by and see what’s new! Visit us at 2673 Hwy C, Port Washington WI 53074. We’re excited to help you find the perfect dry towel for pets and to share with you how your purchases help us provide essential services to the community.

Spring into action and stop by St. Vincent de Paul, Ozaukee County today. Your pet, and your laundry room, will thank you!

St. Vincent de Paul Ozaukee County thrift store entrance.

Visit our Thrift Store located at 2673 Hwy C, Port Washington WI 53074 to see our unique selection of ever changing items!

Thank you for helping us help others!